The Facts of Oral Hygiene: Gum Disease

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Gum disease, also referred to as periodontal disease, is a serious disorder in the mouth caused by infected gum tissue that decays away over time. Typically, gum disease is caused by poor oral hygiene and the lack of proper cleaning habits daily. Keeping a constant tab on your smile is essential for proper oral health in the prevention of gum disease. For starters, here are a few tips about spotting gum disease:

– Do your teeth appear loose or wobbly?
– Are you taking any medications that list dry mouth as a symptom?
– Do you frequently bleed when brushing or flossing?
– Do you have substantial amounts of plaque buildup around your teeth and gums?
– Do your gums looking like they are pulling away from your teeth exposing more surface area of your teeth?
– Are your gums regularly sore or tender to the touch?
– Do you have bad breath symptoms that continue to come back?
– Are your gums swollen, bleeding, or visibly more red than normal?

If you think you have gum disease, please call Walton Dental Care so we can get you in to see Dr. Kevin Lacour and our team as soon as possible. Our office is located in Monroe, Georgia, and we can be reached at 770-267-2301. Make time to improve your smile for lasting happiness.